The Song Of Svain: The Wolf-Slayer and The Goat
By: JD White


In a time of violence and struggle, Svain is a privileged son of a Viking raider. After being placed in charge of an Irish slave of his own to command and control, he must now prove himself worthy to join the men of his village in raiding the "weaklings" of the west. However, after tragedy strikes, Svain finds himself hiding in the forest, orphaned and outcast.Craving vengeance and refusing to surrender, Svain must now discover for himself what it means to truly be a man among his people and to live with honor before his gods. Will he embrace the cold violence promoted by his culture, or will he learn to value those around him, both weak and strong? The Song of Svain is the first installment of this timeless saga in which young Svain will rise from favored son to realize the horrors of slavery and the value of loyalty. Will he find the strength within, or will he fall victim to his own hatred and desire for revenge?
Only the gods can tell...
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About The Author:

Raised the son of a US Navy officer, JD has lived in five countries and is fascinated by foreign cultures and languages. A speaker of three languages, he is presently based in Minnesota where he is a freelance writer for travel websites and teaches English online to foreign students. The Song of Svain is his first work of fiction.

📍 Upcoming Author Appearances:

Scandinavian Festival
June 21-22, 2024
Hjemkomst Center - Moorhead, MN