I love cats!

More than my boyfriend

Cats get so much hate and I don't know why. They are so cuddly and cute. My boyfriend hates cats and it makes me so sad. He has said he never wants to get a cat so I've decided to make a page dedicated to cats I love. This page is also living proof of why we may need to break up.

Cat on the left has it's face sandwiched between two burger buns with some lettuce on it's head. Cat on right had tiny hands and is posed clasping it's hands together.

My top 3 kitty kats 🐈

  1. 1. British Shorthair cat

    Very cute british shorthair cat

    I mean just look at that FACE! Isn't it the cutest wee thing ever. Not only are they just sooooo adorable, they are also good at problem solving and they have excellent memories. They are also super trainable so imagine them doing wee tricks, how cute. I think if I had this cat I would name is Timmy. Here's some more cute facts about cute cats like Timmy.

  2. 2. Black cats with wee white socks

    Black cat with really cute wee white socks

    My old neighbour had a cat named Walka. The name was from New Zealand and they thought it meant something deep but it actually meant Canoe. Anyhoo, Walka was the most friendliest cat ever. He was so chatty, cuddly and most importantly he had the cutest wee white socks. Walka is no longer with us, so here's to you Walka (the best cat I've ever known). You can find out more why cats look like they're wearing socks.

  3. 3. Orange cats

    Silly orange cat in a box

    My latest TikTok obssesion. I can't get enough of these freaky cats. Now being dubbed "orange cat behaviour", these cats have recently been stereotyped to be v chaotic which means they are so much fun. Here's some more info on why orange cats might just be the best cats ever.

I hope you enjoyed my list of my top 3 cats. If you would like to subscribe for more updates on cats I love and if me and my boyfriend make it through this rough patch, click the button below to subscribe!