The ambassador of spring

🌸And why I love cherry blossom trees🌸

For me, personally, cherry blossoms are the ambassador of spring.

Not because they are the first flowers to dig their heads through the snow.
No, here in northern Germany snow never lasts that long, our winters are rather gray and rainy. It does snow sometimes, but if it lasts for more than a week it’s already breaking records.

But I am someone who loves colors, especially in Nature.
So, over the winter I grow used to the grayness so much that sometimes I don’t even realize that it is already March and supposed to be spring, the season that brings back the color I yearn for everyday.
And yes, the occasional sunny day helps ease the feeling of sadness, settling into my mind every now and then.
Seasonal affective disorder (german:”Winterdepression”) is no joke.
Not that I usually have it, at least I think so …

But let’s get back to the ambassadors of spring:
After a long period of grayness and rain. 🌧️

Of going to work, school or uni in the dark and returning home in that same darkness…🌃

The feeling when you step outside your door and see the whole place covered in colors,
covered in petals that dance freely through the air, boosted by still cold but kind of refreshing winds.
When, for the first time in a long time, you stop and look up to realize:
“It’s time, it’s finally spring!” 🥳
That is the feeling and also pretty much the experience I had this year in 2024.
That is why, for me, the cherry blossom is the ambassador of spring.

🌸 🌸

coded by Lisa Morisse