Welcome to my Pixel Art Dungeon

Showing off my favorite form of Digital Art and a little bit of Coding


Come in, come in!

Don't look so frightened. I'm not some evil devil, you know. I'm a tiefling!

We're not all that different from humans. We just have a little extra... flair. Think of us as distant relatives of demons, but with free will and individuality. But despite the horns and the tail, we're just like anyone else. We laugh, we cry, we pay taxes... Well, most of us pay our taxes, anyway, as far as I know.

Tiefling Avatar

How do you feel about tieflings?

I'll show you some of my dungeon art and tell you about the craft!

What is Pixel Art?

At the Desk
This is where the magic happens.
Well, aside from the weekly summoning circle I attend. The magic really does happen there, I guess.

Pixel art is a form of digital art drawn with graphical software where images are built using pixels as the only building block. It is widely associated with the low-resolution graphics from 8-bit and 16-bit era computers, arcade machines and video game consoles, in addition to other limited systems such as LED displays and graphing calculators, which have a limited number of pixels and colors available. The art form is still employed to this day by pixel artists and game studios, even though the technological limitations have since been surpassed.

Most works of pixel art are also restrictive both in file size and the number of colors used in their color palette because of software limitations—to achieve a certain aesthetic or simply to reduce the perceived noise. Older forms of pixel art tend to employ smaller palettes, with some video games being made using just two colors (1-bit color depth). Because of these self-imposed limitations, pixel art presents strong similarities with many traditional restrictive art forms such as mosaics, cross-stitch and fuse beads.

The precise definition of pixel art is a subject of debate, but an artwork is usually considered as such if deliberate thought was put into each individual pixel of the image. Standard digital artworks or low-resolution photographs are also composed of pixels, but they would only be considered pixel art if the individual pixels were placed with artistic intent, even if the pixels are clearly visible or prominent.

Why Use Such a Limited Medium?

Despite its limitations, pixel art captivates with its nostalgic charm and minimalist elegance.

Its appeal lies in its ability to distill complex imagery into its most essential elements, each pixel meticulously placed to form a cohesive whole. Through its deliberate limitation of resolution, pixel art invites creativity within constraints, challenging artists to convey depth, emotion, and narrative with a limited palette and resolution. This simplicity paradoxically fosters intricate detail and boundless imagination, as each pixel becomes a brushstroke in a digital canvas, allowing for both intricate scenes and iconic simplicity. Moreover, pixel art evokes a sense of timelessness, harkening back to the early days of video games and computing, while simultaneously finding new life in modern indie games, animations, and digital art.

Its appeal transcends generations, drawing enthusiasts and artists alike into its enchanting world of vibrant colors, nostalgic references, and limitless creativity.

1-Bit Pixel Art

Feel free to look through some of my family photos. They're quite old.

These are actually 1-bit or binary pixel art. A binary image is one that consists of pixels that can have one of exactly two colors, usually black and white. Binary images are also called bi-level or two-level, Pixelart made of two colours is often referred to as 1-Bit or 1bit. This means that each pixel is stored as a single bit—i.e., a 0 or 1.

A picture of the orange sibling. A picture of the blue sibling. A picture of the green sibling. A picture of the red sibling.

Oh! Here are some photos of my siblings and I.

Brick Divider

Let's look at some of my favorite Spiders from the Crypt

It's quite dark down here... Hold the torch near the webs to get a better look.
Spider One Spider Two Spider Three Spider Four Spider Five Spider Six Spider Seven Spider Eight

Brick Divider

That's the end of the tour for now.
I'll be adding more rooms to the dungeon as I learn how to do more with code! In the meantime, click the button below to learn more about pixel art.

Purple Sword