Let's face it, German is a tricky language! However, I was intruiged
by the rich history of Germany, it's culture, and it's renowened
engineering and science heritage. I studied a degree in
Bioengineering, and it has been my desire to live in Germany since I
visited the country aged just 14. I adored the beautiful countryside,
the calmness of the orderly and efficient society, and of course the
excellent opportunities for young engineers! (Not to mention the
delicious food and beer! 🥨 🍺)
Whilst completing my degree, I also did three courses in German for
second language learners and eventually acheived my
C2 (Proficiency)
status. Throughout my studies however, I was frustrated by the lack of
reliable, helpful- and critically, as a student-
affordable online support to help me
So, I was inspired to write my own website catering to other German
learners of all abilities to ensure that they too fall in love with
this fascinating language!