Advanced Reader Copies (ARCs)

A way to support upcoming and well known authors

Lady hiding behind a stack of books shw is carrying

What is an ARC?

Advanced Reader Copy, also known as an ARC, is a pre-published version of a book; that is sent out to reviewers and book buyers in advance of its publication. whats the catch? You need to read and leave a review in a set period of time (pretty easy really!).
There is nothing better than word of mouth advertising! Indie authors along with well established authors are wanting your honest reviews.
ARCs are also sometimes known as Advance Review Copy, Advance Readers Edition, Advanced Copy or a Readers Edition.

How to get on those ARC lists

You might be thinking "Free books 🫠 this is too good to be true..."

While they might be "free", there's a bit of work to do to get on the elusive ARC lists. Keeping in mind, as an ARC reader, you want to be reading ARCs for those you can best promote; otherwise it's a lot of time and commitment for something you might not enjoy. First steps; check out your favourite authors FaceBook, Instagram, or TikTok pages.
After that, look through your social media for your favourite reading genres; there are many, many, many pages dedicated to all genres. If you're still looking for a little more help, there are a number of dedicated ARC pages on FaceBook which you can join, where you will get prompted on any upcoming ARCs from the authors themselves. There are also some great internet platforms such as Booksprout where you can find ARCs.

What to include in your reviews

This is where, as a reader, you get to gush about the great book you got the pleasure of escaping into. Whether it be a fantasy, sci-fi, mystery, romance novel or any other genre out there (there too many to list here!), here are a couple of things to keep in mind for your review:

Remember: Your reviews can impact the authors author's visibility and book algorithm performance. Authors are not looking for fake or disingenuous rating, they want real honest feedback and reviews. A rule of thumb is to leave any ⭐⭐⭐ (3 stars) or lower reviews until 2 weeks after the publish date. This gives the authors work a chance to find its audience in the market, even if it wasn't to your tastes.

I'd love to hear your ARC story - whether you are an author or a reader!

This page was built by Ann Russell