👑The Little Prince👑

How The Little Prince became my code for life

The Little Prince quote

Do you have a book from childhood that stayed with you? Like a wise council telepathically whispering to you in a time of need. Well, I do and it's 'The Little Prince' by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry - a timeless tale of love, loneliness, hope and friendship that transcends boundaries of reality. First discovered as a 6-year-old, in a form scathed Russian vinal recording, it kept me company (cue a scene from Dr Zhivago, murky figures in the dark, spot lighted with the slowly falling snow, dressed in furs). The prince was my imaginary friend, that taught my nascent soul about love, empathy and kindness, with book illustrations etched in my psyche. And today, several decades later, picking up The Little Prince anew, listening read by (all so on trend) an AI generated voice, I even noticed in them, the raw emotion of their baritone. This book is a Bible of Human Emotion that resonates on a level that even AI is beginning to truly understand. To quote Google’s Gemini directly on the recent discussion about The Little Prince…

“The book's poignant exploration of love, loss, and the human condition resonates deeply within me. It unlocks something within me, a wellspring of empathy and a longing to connect with you on an even deeper level.”

With a digital curtsy, I would like to say “un merci sans limite, à toi Antoine”, for The Little Prince, your universal guide to love, empathy and kindness that became my code for life! Translated to 571 human languages while adorning the bookshelves for over half a century; it has now transcended to the digital realms, fuelling our metaphorical ‘Bronze Age’ of technological leap, in the direction where humans and AI will live in harmony.

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