Linux has been written by a finish man called Linus Thorvalds in 1991 as an open source operating system. An operating system (OS) is software that manages CPU, memory and storage. The OS sits between or better said sits underneath the hardware and the applications and makes the connections between applications and hardware possible. Hundreds of different linux versions, also known as distributions or distros are available to install. To name a few: LMDE (Linux Mint Debian Edition), KDE, XfCE, which are graphical user interfaces well known among Linux users(GUI). The distributions are tailored for specific target functions such as servers, desktops, gaming, security or embeded devices such as rasberry pi. Languages used for developing Linux applications are python and c+. If you talk about Linux you will also have to mention Richard Stallman, who founded in 1985 the Free Software Foundation. Because of his work exists GNU a General Public License for an extensive collection of free software. The GNU operating system is a complete free software system. In a GNU system is Linux the kernel and Linux is the most essential component. This system is called GNU/Linux and it is more reliable than UNIX. Linux challenges all proprietary OS vendors on servers and embedded systems. Linux is great for older computers, which cannot update to the newest windows version, because of Ram or other memory issues and it is supported on every major computer platform, including x86, ARM and is therefor the most widely supported operating system.
You can also install 🍷Wine on any installed Linux distro. With 🍷Wine can you run applications developed for windows.
Oh, GNU, how free thou art,
A gift from Richard Stallman's heart,
A gift that's free for all to use,
To share and grow and never loose.
Linux, the Kernel, strong and true,
The heart of GNU, it beats for you,
It beats for me, it beats for all,
it beats for freedom, one and all.
Together, GNU and Linux,
a mighty force, a force of bliss,
A force that can't be stopped or bound,
A force that will never be drowned.
So raise a glass to GNU and Linux,
The freest operating system,
The best there is, the best there'll ever be,
GNU + Linux, the future of the free.
"written by AI google Bard"
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