Naturally Leavened Sourdough

Why now is the perfect time to begin baking with wild yeast


You too can learn to stop hustling & trust the process!
My journey with making sourdough bread began long before nationwide lockdowns and shortages of baker's yeast. However, it wasn't until I found myself with some extra time on my hands due to stay-at-home orders that I really solved the mystery that is naturally leavened bread. Homemade sourdough that's made from fermenting flour and water in a jar on your countertop can be fickle, but once you get the hang of it, the process is truly meditative.

While there are many resources out there, the steps outlined below represent the simplest path to making great bread and will certainly save you from the frustrations I endured.

Everything I've learned I owe to Emilie Raffa and her book Artisan Sourdough Made Simple: A Beginner's Guide to Delicious Handcrafted Bread with Minimal Kneading.
