My biggest time and financial burden is my houseplant Collection
(This is saying something, I have kids! 😆)
I would have
around 300+ plants if I were to count the tropical gardens we have outside
also or "to many" as my family likes to call it.
Not only do Houseplants bring life and color to a dull room, they also
have many other benefits.
Listed below are some more reasons to have some greenery in your
home or office.
According to a 1989 NASA study, houseplants can help improve air quality by removing cancer-causing chemicals like formaldehyde and benzene from the air.
A 2015 study found that caring for indoor plants reduced psychological and physiological stress in study participants. Interacting with plants helped suppress sympathetic nervous system activity and diastolic blood pressure.
One study found that incorporating plants into a workspace could help improve productivity by up to 15 per cent.
Click here to read more about the benefits of plants within your home.