Copperware 🔑

Great for your health!


Ayurveda and Relevance of Copperware in India Ayurvedic metals like copper have significant properties to hold onto the nutritional value of the food and that is the reason it is recommended to use cookware and utensils made out of copper. Copper usage is widely supported by Ayurveda, the oldest and trusted form of health care and life science. For kapha-type people (susceptible to weight gain, coughs, and congestion), copperware utensils play a trump card. Since copper is connected with the sun and fire, Ergo, it increases Agni (Fire) in the body which leads to increased metabolic rate.Copperware sets are proved to be one of the best metals for storing and cooking rice in ultimate freshness as each grain is separately cooked. Drinking water that has been stored in a copper utensil in India overnight is an emerging trend and is no more a fad as there are significant benefits of drinking water in copperware glasses & copperware bottles.

Benefits of Copper Vessels and Drinking Copper-Enriched Copperware is widely known for its health benefits and enjoys a prominent reference in the ancient Ayurveda. And now, not only the Indians but also the western world is embracing copper-infused water for good health. Here are some key benefits of consuming copper-enriched water.

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