
[My baking alter-ego]

For this weeks homework I decided to tell you all about my favourite lockdown activity-
to bake
Lots of the world has gone baking mad over the last 9 months and I have happily joined in the cult. I started baking lots before lockdown, but this new found time has really helped me to try out recipes that I was always too scared too in the past. If you want to know more about my bakes, feel free to check out my instagram.


These croissants and cinnamon cruffins were my main activity from last weekend, other than javascript of course. Some of the main takeaways:

  1. You use up all of the butter you have in your fridge, no matter how much that is.
  2. Everyone has a different method
  3. It takes days. literally.
  4. You have to wake up at 5am if you want them for breakfast
  5. They are worth every minute to make them.