Discover Tereré: A refreshing
paraguayan tradition!

🧉 Tereré is more than just a simple cold beverage; it's a deeply rooted social ritual in Paraguayan culture.


Ritual and Fun Around Tereré

Tereré (teh-reh-RÉH) is a simple-soothing beverage to be enjoyed ideally on hot temperature days. It is the combination of Yerba Mate (YAIR-bah MAH-tay) Ilex paraguariensis with water and ice. It is served inside a recipient called guampa and is taken by doing sips through a metal straw called bombilla.

Whether enjoyed alone or in company, every encounter with Tereré follows a unique protocol:

🔄 Counterclockwise serving: The youngest member of the group serves the Tereré always counterclockwise.

🍴 Tereré Rupá: Before drinking tereré, it's common to enjoy a salty middle morning meal, known as tereré rupá (teh-reh-RÉH roo-PÁH), to prepare the stomach.

☀️ Morning consumption of Pohã Ñana: Adding to Tereré refreshing herbal remedies, known as 'pohã ñana' (Poh-áh NYAH-náh), is a tradition to be enjoyed exclusively in the mornings, always before lunch.

🙏 "Gracias" Expression: Saying gracias (GRAH-syahs) ,which means "thank you" in spanish language, indicates that one doesn't want to continue drinking Tereré. So, the round of tereré can skip the person's turn and move along to the next person in the circle.

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