Journey to Antarctica

The Antarctic Peninsula is anything but a world of white desolation. Join us on a true adventure to a world of immense scale and visual splendour.


Discover the Antarctic Peninsula, where endless white mountains roll to the horizon and massive glaciers churn icebergs into the sea. Here, nature reigns, as penguins teeter along the shore, seals loll on ice slabs, and humpbacks and orca whales break the water's surface. Traveling with a team of scientists aboard the National Geographic Explorer, National Geographic Resolution or National Geographic Endurance, you’ll encounter this otherworldly place close-up, gliding around enormous tabular icebergs by Zodiac or kayak, and walking along beaches peppered with penguins and seals.

Experience Antarctica from every perspective using a range of exploration tools aboard the National Geographic Explorer, National Geographic Endurance, or National Geographic Resolution, including a remotely operated vehicle that captures footage of the ocean floor.

Explore alongside a team of biologists, geologists and undersea specialists who offer insights and engaging presentations throughout the trip.

Get up close to icebergs, wildlife and hard-to-reach places using a fleet of kayaks and Zodiacs.

Observe a range of penguin and whale species, as well as seals and seabirds, and photograph them alongside the expedition photo instructor and National Geographic Photography Expert.

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