Water kefir

What is it?

Water kefir, also known as fruit kefir or tibicos, is a fermented, fizzy beverage that has been consumed for thousands of years for its great taste and health benefits.

🍎 Low sugar beverage
To make water kefir, sugar and water are mixed with water kefir grains.
Within 48 hours, 66 to 80% of the sugar is consumed by the yeast and bacteria.

🦠 Rich in probiotics
Studies show that a 250 ml glass of water kefir can contain up to 2.5 billion good microorganisms.
These yeasts and bacterias have recognized probiotic benefits!

πŸ•ΊπŸ» Supports the gut microbiota
The microbiota, also known as the second brain, plays an important role in digestion, weight management, blood regulation, and immune defence.

πŸ€Έβ€β™‚οΈ Full of Nutrients
During fermentation, the microorganisms in kefir turn sugar and minerals into all sorts of nutrients and compounds, such as antioxidants, beneficial enzymes, prebiotic compounds, and so on.

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