I love Crocheting, you should too!

What is Crocheting all about?

Crochet is a type of needlecraft in which you use a hook to create fabric from loops of yarn. Crochet can be used to make everything from blankets and scarves to hats and sweaters. If you’re looking for a fun, creative way to spend your free time, crochet may be the perfect activity for you! (Sarah Stearns, 2022) Read Sarah's blog post

Why should you get into Crocheting?

My personal story👇

After having seen crocheting gaining popularity over social media platforms and on Pinterest, I decided to find out what the hype was all about for myself.
Sometime in 2020 I bought a hook from a Chinese shop while in town with my mum as well as some yarn and the rest is history! Nearly 5 years later it is my favourite hobby and being able to create anything with my hands is pretty cool. My preferred projects are bags and I am working on creating a brand and niche so I can sell my pieces in the near future :)

Some of my creations:

Coded by Ngaa Mukuhwa