Animation involves creating a sequence of slightly different images and rapidly displaying them to create an illusion of motion. This dynamic visual medium employs various techniques for producing these images, such as traditional hand-drawn methods or taking photographs of three-dimensional objects.
Despite its global popularity, art is paradoxically underappreciated. It's a curious phenomenon – animation is widely adored, often forming our earliest cinematic memories with beloved characters like Mickey Mouse and Bugs Bunny. Yet, the intricate artistry and technical prowess required in animation frequently go unrecognized. These animated films are more than just collective artistic achievements; they are compilations of thousands of individual masterpieces, each contributing to the narrative at a rate of 24 frames per second.
The short film Relay was created back in 2014 by a group of animators in their final year of Uni, since then animation has been a favourite hobby of mine. Relay is about a girl who wonders into a forbidden forest. She is helped by a forest spirit and years later, returns to the forest to repay the favour. It took a year to create this 5 min film as the art behind the animation was created and perfected. Each piece of art contributed to creation of this masterpiece.