Discover the SAVORY taste of croissants!

Croissants are a type of pastry that originated in France.
They are known for their flaky, buttery texture and crescent shape.
Making croissants is a labor-intensive process that involves multiple steps of rolling,
folding, and chilling the dough to create the flaky layers.
The dough is then shaped into crescents, proofed, and baked until golden brown.
While the classic croissant is plain, there are many variations available, including chocolate-filled, almond-filled, or savory options with cheese or ham.
Despite their indulgent nature, they can provide some benefits when enjoyed in moderation.
They can be a Source of energy due to their carbohydrate content,
and they can also contribute to a feeling of satisfaction and enjoyment when consumed as part of a balanced diet.
It's best to enjoy them occasionally as a treat rather than as a staple in your diet.

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Coded by Mercyline Cheruto