🔪 Cooking 🥘

Travel the world from your kitchen!

Learning to cook has many benefits. For your health and nitrition, preparing your own meals allows you to control the ingredients and portion sizes, leading to healthier, balanced meals. It is cost-effective, cooking at home is generally more cost-effective than eating out. It can be very enjoyable and creative, creating meals from scratch. It can also be very mindful, when I am preparing a dish, I am solely focussed on that and can shut off from other worries.
Through my passion for cooking, I am able to recreate meals I have enjoyed on my travels (another passion), I can relive my experiences of different countries and cultures from my own kitchen; whether it's Risotto Milanese, Coq Au Vin, Kerelan Fish Curry, or Tex Mex! I have a large collection of recipe books and there is also a wealth of recipes online, and for any ingredients which cannot be sourced locally, I can get these online too!