The Solo Travelling Brown Girl

There is magic within you

If you have been thinking about solo travel but are too scared to do it, this is your sign! Solo travel is a life-changing experience that will not only change you as a person but also make you so much more appreciative of everything you have. The chance to meet new people and experience new things will forever change you as a person.

I have always been fascinated by other cultures and I have always believed that being able to experience someone else’s culture is a privilege. From a young age, I knew I wanted to push myself out of my comfort zone and experience the way people live their lives around the globe.

Growing up, I had traveled to a few locations but it wasn’t until 2017 when I traveled purely for leisure; and I haven’t stopped since. Over the past 3 years, I have had the privilege to immerse myself in different experiences while meeting diverse groups of people from all over the globe, from the souks of Dubai to the highlands of Peru.

With that being said, I acknowledge that I am privileged enough to have the financial means and passport to travel. I recognize that traveling is not accessible to many and that to be able to experience different cultures is an honor and privilege.

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