Print Memories into Photos

My favorite hobby is taking photos 📸

The word Photography literally means 'drawing with light', which derives from the Greek photo, meaning light and graph, meaning to draw. Photography is the process of recording an image a photograph on lightsensitive film or, in the case of digital photography, via a digital electronic or magnetic memory. Photography as a hobby can be a great source of comfort, especially if you do it on your own. For example, going for a walk to take landscape photos will expose you to fresh air and help you connect with nature. Going out to take photos with friends will let you socialise and be creative at the same time.

From a dog's perspective, time flies about five times faster. It really puts it into perspective that we should capture every chapter of our dog's life. This is my dog Hudson and almost everyday I take a photo of him as it will help preserve my memories of him.
See some of my Photos