Faith without boundaries

Faith without sight

picture of clouds.

Faith without boundaries,living without seeing.Having confidence ,assurance and trust in something intangably recognizable. Walking by faith means having an eternal perspective, so that we can feel at home in both worlds (2 Cor. 5:6-8). Walking by faith, not sight means fixing our eyes on what is eternal: “So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal”.In fairy tales and atheistic literature, faith is depicted as believing with your heart something that makes zero sense in your brain. But for followers of Jesus, the typical experience is that biblical faith presents fewer difficulties to our minds (the existence of God actually has a ton of evidence to back it) than to our often-irrational human hearts—which incessantly work to convince us that we’re smarter and more important than God.Whatever it means to walk by faith, not sight, it’s not a matter of turning our brains off so as to psych ourselves up to believe what we know isn’t true.

coded by Aphiwe Nyakombi