Popcorn 🍿

The Best Snack!


Popcorn has more protein than any other cereal grain. It also has more iron than eggs or roast beef. It has more fiber than pretzels or potato chips.
A kernel of popcorn contains just a small amount of water. When these kernels are heated, the water turns to steam and the kernels β€œpop.”
Popcorn is different than many other grains because its shell is not water permeable, making it possible for pressure to build up until the kernel finally explodes.
American Indians used to believe that spirits peacefully lived inside each popcorn kernel. When the kernels were heated, the spirits would get so angry that their β€œhouses” would start to shake. When it got too hot, the spirits broke out of their houses in an angry burst of steam.
Enjoy popcorn! πŸ˜‹ Learn more here