self care

Self-Care Is Not Selfish

Self-care is necessary to keep your mind body & soul healthy

Over the past few years, especially this last year, I have come to the realisation how important it is to spend time on oneself. I have also come to the realisation, 'self-care' isn't always spending hours and hours alone or self-indulging on meaningless activities. However, self-care can be having a morning routine when working from home rather than rolling out of bed with groggy eyes staring at your laptop at 9 am! It can also be having a bath with candles and reading a book or watching a tv show on an iPad after a long week. Self-care can mean different things to everyone, it just means taking a little bit of time from our ever so busy schedules to look after ourselves, and to have a break.

For 10 simple tips on how to self-care check out this article by Amanda Kohr