
What it is and how to practice it...

Self-love image

Self-love is a state of appreciation for oneself, according to the Brain and Behavior Research Foundation. While it can look different to each person, it encompasses being kind to yourself—so forgiving yourself, refraining from self-judgment, trusting yourself and understanding and valuing your worth are some ways we can demonstrate self-love. This can also include setting healthy boundaries and prioritizing your own needs, while also not settling for less than you deserve.

A couple ways to practice self love:
1. Cast out the idea that you have to be perfect
2. Understand that sometimes societal expectations offer unrealistic standards
3. Live in the moment, just for a moment every day
4. Daily gratitude
5. Embrace the fact that you can’t control everything
6. Self-Care

Learn about all 34 ways to practice self-love.

This page was built by Alena Bohomol