"Music, Unleash the Magic!✨"

Everybody loves music. Whether it’s one genre or another that we prefer, we can all agree that music is universal. What is it about music that makes it so appealing to us? Maybe its because music has the ability to evoke powerful emotional responses from within us. Think about it—we can all remember at least one song that makes us feel something when we hear it. It might be a song played at your high school graduation. Or maybe it’s a song that will always remind you of a painful breakup.
cool music
can’t sleep, or go about your daily duties without Spotify playing in the background? What you are feeling is more than just a quirk or a personal preference. There is a scientific explanation for these tendencies. Experts at the American Music Therapy Association believe that humans have such a deep connection to music because we are “hardwired,” to react the way that we do. The elements of music—such as rhythm, melody, harmony, and dynamics—are echoed in our physiology, functioning, and overall being.

Move to the beat🎵, Move to the Melody 💃🏾

Created by Fezile M 😎