Honeybees work hard to produce honey and sometimes we are lucky enough to enjoy it. Before considering all the things you can do with the result of their hard work, it’s important to understand what the honey-making process is and why bees are making it. This step-by-step guide shows how honey is made from pollen on a flower to a jar of honey in your pantry.
A colony’s main priority is long-term survival. While food is plentiful in the warmer months, bees must plan in order to survive the winter. During the winter, bees do not have the energy to leave the hive and search for food. The bees will cluster together to protect the queen and will only move short distances (less than a few inches) to feed. All the bees have a significant role in creating and storing honey that will ultimately sustain the colony for a long period.
If you would like to know more about bees and honey,check out Honest Beekeper. Happy learning 🐝