The Secrets of Sourdough

Sourdough is a natural leavening ingredient made from flour and water. In sourdoughs, a culture of natural yeasts and lactic bacteria thrive on warmth and flour. When you add this sourdough culture to bread dough, the lactic bacteria and natural yeasts slowly ferment the dough while you wait. They convert the carbohydrates and proteins in the flour into lactic acid, acetic acid, and CO2, or in simpler terms: they convert the carbohydrates and proteins in the flour into taste while making the dough rise.
Source: The Quest for Sourdough

You can make many products out of Sourdough, and the big difference of using Sourdough instead of regular yeast is that your dough will be much lighter and easier to digest. See some pictures of homemade Sourdough recipes:

Coded by Patricia Silva