Migratory Birds of North America 🦆

What are migratory birds?

Migratory birds are those that travel from one part of the world to another, at regualar times, over long distances and according to the season. Migratory birds migrate in order to find areas with more resources primarily food and nesting, and to find better temperature. These birds also, migrate in flocks (groups) for the most part and preferably at night, when the air is cooler, calmer, and there are less predators. Finally, the reason behind how migratory birds find their way isn't fully understood. Genetics, environmental factors, and other senses like the olfatory sense are some good pointers for their amazing navigational skills.

Why are migratory birds important?

Migratory birds are important because they provide ecosystem benefits, like pest control, pollination of plants, serve as food souces, and are a souce of recreation for the many bird watchers!

Where do the birds of North America migrate to?

Long distance migrant birds travel form breeding ranges in the US and Canada to wintering grounds in central and South America. This migration journey includes about 350 species of North American birds.

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Why can't migratory birds just stay in the warm tropicals?

One explanation for this is that, migratory birds' ancestors disperesed from their tropical sites Northwards. Another reason, is the resource abundance, and longer day time in North America. This allows long migrant birds to raise more offspring.

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Impacts of deforestation and climate change on migratory birds

Increased deforestation and climate changes due to global warming, completely disrupt migratory birds' paths, food resources, and breeding seasons. Because of the increase on deforestation and temperature alterations, less and less birds are migrating to the south each year. This is because their resources are being altered, making this migratory trend not a suitable one.

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Deforestation and Climate Change on birds