The Cuddle Club


A scientific study was conducted to measure the effects of oxytocin and cortisol levels (the stress hormone) when interacting with a dog. Ten women were asked to stroke, pet, gaze at and talk with their male labradors then measured the effects this had on both parties’ (pup and human). It concluded that the dogs' own oxytocin levels increased significantly after 3 minutes of human interaction and that the owners' oxytocin levels peaked between just 1 and 5 minutes. It also found that the owner's cortisol levels displayed a significant decrease at 15 minutes of interaction - dogs really do make the world a better place!

It's clear a cuddle a day from a puppy or pooch can have huge physiological benefits for the both of you, leaving you both happier and more relaxed (which is why pets can be a prescription for a happier, healthier life). No pup at home? No worries, The Cuddle Club can bring them to your office (yes, really!) You might want to send this to your boss!

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