Nelson Mandela Capture Site

If you love travelling and visiting history sites, the Nelson Mandela capture site is for you. The site is located in Howick, KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa. The site location is in a beautiful and tranquil area. The exhibit if full of information about the history of South Africa. The sculpture is a work of art.


The genesis of the project at the Nelson Mandela capture site and the installation of an internationally recognisable sculpture in the Natal Midlands landscape, is a response to the modest monument along the R103 consisting of a plaque set into a face-brick wall.

In 1962, on 5 August, this otherwise ordinary piece of road along the R103, approximately five kilometres outside Howick, KwaZulu-Natal, suddenly took on profound consequence. Armed apartheid police flagged down a car in which Nelson Mandela was pretending to be the chauffeur. Having succeeded in evading capture by apartheid operatives for 17 months, Mandela had just paid a clandestine visit to ANC President Chief Albert Luthuli’s Groutville home to report back on his African odyssey, and to request support in calling for an armed struggle. It was in this dramatic way, at this unassuming spot, that Mandela was finally captured and arrested.

Sculpture Museum Car


Nelson Mandela Capture Site Visitor Centre

Allow at least one to two hours to visit the site.
(Closed - 25th & 26th December and 1st January)

Prices for the Museum and Sculpture.
Payments can be made by online using credit card and Zapper or at the ticket office. Group and Family discounts are offered. Please enquire at the Ticket Office.
Learn more here