step into 2024 with gratitude


Manifestation —the idea of bringing something you want into existence through aspirational-thought practices—is nothing new: It has roots in the 19th-century New Thought spiritual movement, which included the belief that our thoughts can influence the material world and, essentially, that positive thinking is the answer to most of our earthly problems.

Affirmations also referred to as positive affirmations, are phrases that, when repeated regularly, can change negative thoughts and behavior patterns. They can be said aloud or to yourself. These statements are usually intended to help shift thinking from negative to positive, motivate an action, reduce stress, persevere through difficult times, and increase self-confidence and well-being.

Meditation is the process of taking our attention away from the world outside and focusing it within ourselves. It is an ancient practice with many other names such as concentration, sitting in silence, or contemplation.

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with Love