✨ Chinese Acupuncture Therapy ✨

What is Acupuncture Therapy and what are its Benefits?


Chinese medicine, especially Acupuncture, seem to have been a major aid in recovering quickly from Bell's Palsy and treating persistant pain after a jaw fracture by simply sticking tiny needles in various areas of my body (painlessly)!

Keep reading if you want to find out about what Acupuncture is and its benefits 🔍

❔ What is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese medicine-based approach to treating a variety of conditions by triggering specific, so called meridan points, via the skin with needles.
Commonly used acupuncture needles are made of stainless steel, with sizes from 26 to 40 gauge and lengths from 0.5 inch to 2.5 inches.

This minimally invasive method stimulates nerve-rich areas of the skin surface in order to influence tissues, gland, organs, and various functions of the body.


❔ What is the Philosophy behind it?

In Chinese medicine it is believed that the human body was filled with and animated by an invisible life-giving force which they called ‘qi’ (pronounced ‘chee’) and when the qi was flowing well and going to all the right places, then a person would experience good mental and physical health.
When the qi was flowing incorrectly, that would result in illness.

Sometimes you’re more prone to illness when feeling stressed or anxious. When you’re relaxed and healthy, your body physically reflects that too. After all, your mood, mental health, and general well-being do affect your physical health.

Thus, acupuncture aims to assist people in achieving balance, or qi, and, as a result, provide relief for many ailments.


❔ What could it be used for and what not?

Some of the areas it is beneficial for:

There is limited evidence for Acupuncture to benefit:

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