
It's all about the gear!

Gravel bike surrounded by bikepacking gear

Bikepacking is a mix of all-terrain cycling and backpacking. It evokes the freedom of backcountry hiking and travel off the beaten path but with the added range, quicker pace, and thrill of riding a nimble bicycle.

Bikepacking involves carrying the essential gear—and not much more—on an off-road-capable bike for an overnight or multi-day ride. That could range from a full load with sleeping gear, a cooking kit, and food for camping to a minimal kit with just the clothing and supplies you need to link shelters or hotels. It’s all about pedaling further into places less traveled, both near and far, via singletrack trails, gravel, and forgotten dirt roads, and connecting with the vast landscapes, welcoming people, and diverse places encountered along the way.

Nothing else compares to adventure travel by bike.

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