Katorongot Support Group

Crafting for Change

Katorongot Support Grooup

Katorongot Support Group is a group of nine women from the Turkana tribe in Kenya, who are living with HIV. The Support Group was founded by Mirjam Hagmann in cooperation with the non-profit organisation Dandelion Africa and aims at creating a sustainable income-generating activity, as well as enabling a routine for surviving in the hardships of Mogotio, Kenya. Through a kickstarter fundraiser, Mirjam was able to bargain with a "Fundi" (carpenter) and build fourt houses, enabling all the women to have a roof over their heads. Securing a safe place to sleep meant that the women can concentrate more on the activity, which would in turn bring food on the table, by crafting upcycled earrings, bracelets and rings, which are sold mainly in Malmö, Sweden. Do not hesitate to check out the GoFundMe page for more info about Loste (specialized in upcycled earrings), Mary (specialized in bead rings), Caroline (specialized in upcycled earrings), Josephine (specialized in bead bracelets), Elizabeth (specialized in upcycled earrings) and our wondurful chairlady and translator Zainab, who is also specialized in upcycled earrings!

The Shed Augustenborg