Help stray kittens!

They need you ❤

ginger cat grabbing a fence

The National Kitten Coalition’s mission is to increase survival rates of rescued kittens. We know that many animal shelters do not have the resources and/or knowledge to care for neonatal kittens in particular; therefore, we believe neonatal kittens or “bottle babies” are one of the most vulnerable populations in many animal shelters and are subsequently euthanized. Our vision is that all neonatal, sick and other at-risk kittens are given a chance to grow and thrive through life-saving educational programs and positive partnerships among shelters, rescues, veterinarians and the public. We want to partner with shelters and rescues and help these front-line animal heroes with their life-saving efforts. We know that education, training, outreach and information sharing will move us closer to our vision for the future and are proud to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with shelter and rescue staff and volunteers as we work to reduce euthanasia in kitten populations across the United States.
Learn more about our mission