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A few benefits of running

1: Running improves cardiovascular health

If you’ve ever run to catch a subway, a child, or your dog, and felt breathless immediately afterward, it probably comes as no surprise that running works your cardiovascular system. Your heart rate increases as you run to pump more blood (and thus oxygen and nutrients) to your working muscles. Over time, with consistent running, your heart and lungs adapt. Your heart becomes stronger, enabling it to pump a greater volume of blood per beat, and your lungs become more powerful and capable of taking in more air per breath. As your cardiovascular efficiency improves, you’re able to run faster with less effort.

2: Running builds muscular strength

At some point, most of us have walked behind a runner and envied their muscular, defined calves. As long as you are properly fueling your body with enough calories and protein to support your training, running can help build muscle and increase strength. As a total-body workout, running strengthens your legs, core, and upper body.

3: Running boosts confidence

Running is a lot about goal setting and achieving things you didn’t think were possible. As such, running can help develop a sense of self-efficacy and boost your self-confidence.

These are just some of the benefits of running regurlarly. Click here to find a running store or sign up to our running group below to get started on your running journey!

Coded by Livia de Castro Gerlach