Coffee Fun Facts


Like any other means of communication, coffee has become part of how we interact with each other. And this, in turn, has changed the rules of how it is consumed. Drinking coffee no longer means just drinking coffee; it means spending time with friends, colleagues, and people you meet at work or on your travels. The need for communication—and the symbolic role communication plays in our society—has also changed the way we talk about coffee itself. The reasons we give for drinking coffee are now different. Instead of saying it keeps us awake so we can study or work hard, we say it helps us think better and do our jobs more efficiently. Instead of saying it gives us pleasure or it tastes good, we say it makes us feel “productive” or “creative”. Coffee shops aren’t just places to get a cup of coffee; they are places where people gather and meet others to socialize. Nowadays, we drink coffee at home most of the time and we can easily forget about its social meaning. So, grab a cup of coffee, and let’s dive into the most interesting facts about coffee.