Aerial Acrobatics

Also known as aerial arts. It's a type of gimnastic practice that involves apparatus such as trapeze, aerial silk, aerial hoop, rope and many others!

What's aerial Silks?

girl doing silks
It's a type of performance in which one or more artists perform aerial acrobatics while hanging from a specialist fabric. Performers climb the suspended fabric without the use of safety lines and rely only on their training and skill to ensure safety. They use the fabric to wrap, suspend, drop, swing, and spiral their bodies into and out of various positions. Silks have been incorporated into the circus arts and are practiced as a form of aerial fitness. Aerial silks is a demanding art and requires a high degree of strength, power, flexibility, courage, stamina, and grace to practice.

What do you need to get started?

girl doing silks You have the perfect body type to be an aerialist. Appreciating what is uniquely beautiful about your body and knowing what you love about it will allow you to train your strengths, work on your weak spots and focus on cultivating your own beautiful style.
There is no prerequisites when beginning the art of aerial acrobatics. However, aerial training demands constant effort and practice. So do the work and find out what amazing things you are capable of.
There's no age, size, body type or gender barrier.