Jamming With The Clarinet

Why You Should Learn to Play


One of my favorite hobbies is playing my clarinet. In the 5th grade I joined the band and was given the option of several instruments to play and chose the clarinet. While learning to play the clarinet, I was also introduced to an array of music including classical music (Mozart, Beethoven, Bach, etc..) and instantly fell in love with this instrument. With the clarinet you can go from softer, more relaxing sounds to stronger more aggressive sounds with notes that ignites a deep passion within and reminds you of all the beauty that exist in the world.
On weekends I have jam sessions with my husband while he plays his bass guitar along with me playing my clarinet. This is some of the best together time as we have so much fun hanging out and rocking to our favorite songs (soul, rock and the blues).
If you are interested in learning to play an instrument, I highly recommend the clarinet. It is versatile and one of the easier wind instruments to learn and can reduce stress resulting in a significant positive impact on your mental well-being.
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