It is a fizzy beverage that is made out of tea, sugar, fruits, as well
as SCOBY-symbiotic colony of bacteria and yeast-and undergoes fermentation.
It has been around for thousands of years, beginnning in China in 212 BC and then expanded
to Japan, as well as many countries in Europe and was often referred to as an -Elixir
of Life-.Click here for more general info.
class= more general info
💕 Why do I LOVE it? Here are a few reasons...💕
Taste: There is a plethora of flavors to choose from,
as well as, make. I would say if you are new to trying it
get one that is your favorite fruit. Some brands make it more sweet,
while others have a more vinegar-like taste.
Health: This is like drinking sodapop but 100times healthier and tastier!
There are numerous health benefits that this beverage has. Since this is made through
the process of fermentation with SCOBY, it is considered a probiotic and provides digestive aid.
Along with working with parasite cleanses, drinking kombucha also boosts the immune system, and
helps skin and weight challenges.
Cheap-to make-: Considering that can cost $3-8 a bottle,
one would save a lot of money just making it. The only ingredients needed are green or black tea,
sugar, the SCOBY, 1 gallon jar with fabric covering, and jars for storing.
😊 Curious about making Kombucha? Click on -Learn More- to watch a video😊