Great Ideas

and how I throw them away


You may have come across a few ideas in your lifetime. Or maybe, your problem is not having any, but there's an easy fix for that. But if you're like me then you have lots of ideas, and some have been great, and some not that great. But do you ever get to fully finish them? Do they become exactly what you were envisioning? Not for me, I get what I think is a great idea and once I get close to fully accomplishing it, I back out. Not sure why, may be insecurities, fear of failure, fear of rejection, or maybe I just give up when it gets too hard. Either way, I hate that. So I have created this website to put a stop to that. To put a start and a finsih to my great ideas. Because they are worth it, but most importantly, so am I.

So. Are. You.

Coded by Blanca E. Nino