Jesus prays

Walk on Water Retreat

Offering a space for Christians to explore and deepen faith…

Seek "life in all its fullness"…

All retreats are an invitation to be rejuvenated and affirmed in faith, to know Christ better and to open up sacred space in order to listen to the Holy Spirit and experience a living spirituality that consoles, challenges and inspires.

Varied methods enable Christians to deepen their own discipleship and travel on in their faith journeys (presentation, theological discussion, stillness, prayer, creative sessions, images, music etc). Courses and training are also offered so individuals and groups can explore Scripture, prayer and faith themes and feel equipped to become prayer leaders in their own communities.

“‘Lord, if it’s you,’ Peter replied, ‘tell me to come to you on the water.’  ‘Come,’ he said” (Matthew 14:28-29). 

Coded by Hilary Azimoh