Pageants are fun

This was my experience being in a pageant...

Yep, that's right. I was in a pageant. You see that pale-skinned girl standing second on the left? Yep, that's me! 😁 Let me tell you --it was just like being in a Toddlers & Tiaras show, although it was with young adult women instead. It was definitely the experience of a lifetime! I gained so much confidence being able to be in that pageant, and I was able to feel better about myself, laugh with others, and grow in my speaking skills and passion for being me. I think all women should go through pageantry at least once-- I doubt you'll regret it!

Don't believe me? Read up on the contestants in the Miss Idaho Teen USA 2017 pageant...
This page was created by Jennie Tafoya.

You can apply to a pageant yourself!