Backpacking in Scotland

Updated 04-01-2021 🖊 Lotte Top


Beautifull sceneries, history and great adventures has brought many people to Scotland for years. The rough landscape makes a perfect companion for hickers that are looking for a challange. A good backpacking adventure starts with good preperation and we will help you with this! Wether you are unsure over which trail to hike, the gear to take with you or need encouragement in general - this page answers lots of question. And if there are still uncertainties don't hesitate to contact us!

Backpacking Trails

Scotland hosts several long distance hiking trails, that differ in difficulty level as well as character. These trails let you explore the best of Scotland's landscape and wildlife. There are lovely official trails that have a great deal of information available about them and often host campings or hostels along the way in case you are in much need of a warm meal and shower. Next to these trails, there are also unofficial trails that offer pathless challanges for more experienced backpackers. We'll take a quick look at a few different trails to give you an idea of what is out there.

Backpacking Gear


The things you take with you on a backpacking trip is of great imporantance and is trip specific. Things to keep in mind while making your packing list are: how far you plan to hike, the remoteness of the location and the weather forecast. In general, you will need more clothing, gear, food and water when the hike is longer, more remote and / or has a harsh weather forecast. We will provide a general list of what you should bring whilst backpacking, but be sure to also do your own research or ask us for more specific information.

Need More Help?

If you want more information, answers or just want to chat about backpacking be sure to let us know!