
by Laura Ghezzi

"My nonna used to tell me to go adagio, slowly, with no rush. Over time, it became my philosophy. While wandering in the physical and mental spaces of my past and present home, I use my camera as a tool of making peace with how things are and how they used to be. It is the simple pleasure of just looking that draws me to contemplate on my surroundings, shaped by a familiar light. Thus, the mundane evokes bittersweet feelings that help me find new meanings. This therapeutic process of being in the moment allows me to accept and embrace reality and relationships as they are, with no need to try and fix them."


Born in 1995, Laura Ghezzi is a photographer originally from Bergamo, Italy. She graduated from Middlesex University in London In July 2019, with a BA in photography. Her degree project “Adagio” is what best represents her photography work, and it has been exhibited at Free Range show in June 2019 in London, then published in various online magazines. Laura’s photographic practice starts from the quiet and slow observation of her surroundings as a way of processing and dealing with emotions.

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