What is Skychology ?

How looking at the sky can boost your wellbeing

Have you ever taken a moment to look up at the sky and just felt... better? Well, there’s reason behind that. It’s called 'Skychology' – a fusion of the sky's vastness dwarfing our stresses and its therapeutic effects on our mind. In today’s bustling life, sometimes the simple act of looking upwards can make a world of difference.

What is Skychology?

Originating from the word "sky" and "psychology," Skychology is the concept that sky gazing can significantly benefit our mental health through its calming and meditative effect on the mind. By looking up, it can help ground you and provide a sense of perspective, making your problems feel smaller in comparison to the vast expanse of the sky. A similar feeling can be found by looking at mountains. Looking up at the sky, during day or night can also provide a canvas for mindfulness - by easily watching colours, moving clouds or stars, you can reach full sense of calm.

girls watching the sky

What are the benefits of skychology?

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coded by Sahar Omer