The lung of our planet🌎

🌱🌱🌱 Help us reforest Brasilians old rainforests by participating into our aid agency🌱🌱🌱


Fires in Brazil’s rainforests increased 13% in the first nine months of the year compared with a year ago. This is a really dramatic amount of burns . Rainforests get destroyed everyday more and more... But everybody knows how important those are, not just for nature and animals , but also for ourselves and our future life. The climate change raises even more , when we keep destroying our most important forests on earth. Our mission is to rebuild forests out there like on this picture. There is still hope , if we change our habits. You can donate or participate like helping plant new trees or helping burned animals. Just click on our button to help us or send donations.

♥️ For your donations

The page was build by Emily M. Reifenberg
For more information: [email protected]