Art acts as a collective memory of society. Through expressive outlets such as paintings, sculptures, music, literature
and other art forms, artists preserve life as we know it even better than historical fact-based records. Art expresses
how it felt to exist in a particular time. Artists showcased their daily lives in the form of cave paintings and
petroglyphs in Bhimbhetka, Venus of Berekhat Ram, and others around the world. These expressive outlets showcased life
hundreds of thousands of years ago in its most accurate form.
Art is also communicative— helps people from various cultures understand and communicate with each other through
songs, pictures and stories. People often relate to other societies and cultures through their artistic representations.
An excellent example of this is people connecting images of barn houses and windmills to Holland and of the Taj Mahal to
I recently discovered the works of this artist for myself. Take a look.
This page was built by A. Maier