
Different movie genres

Movie genres are categories that define films based on settings,plot,mood,tone and theme.

different kinds of movie genres
A lot of people prefer a certain genre as they know what to expect from the movie and they enjoy how they make them feel.
drama_ serious feelings; usually being “moved” in some way.
comedy_ laughter, lightness, and release of tension
suspense_ a tension that can be low-energy and a desire to see how story elements play out
thriller_ a tension that is high-energy and makes the heart beat faster
horror_ fear, revulsion, disgust
action_ attention-grabbing, larger-than-life moments that engage the flight-or-fight response
adventure_ ideas of new places or experiences that are exciting
adult_ heavy sexual eroticism
sci-fi_ intellectual engagement through ideas that could be theoretically possible through science
fantasy_ stirring of the imagination through not-of-this-world concepts
mystery_ piquing our curiosity and desire for knowledge or moments of revelation
romance_ the warm, nurturing feelings of love and desire and human connection
more info: why choose a certain genre